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date un'occhiata ..... - Have a look ......
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Thursday, September 21, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Chissà se vero ?
Questa mattina ho letto quest'articolo e l'ho ritenuto simpatico e curioso.
Riassumendolo in modo molto veloce viene detto che, secondo una ricerca fatta da una Università Americana (Western Ontario), su 100.000 ragazzi fra i 17 e 18 anni di entrambi i sessi, il quoziente di intelligenza è leggermente superiore per i maschi rispetto alle donne.
Questo sembra dovuto al "diverso peso" del cervello nel cranio dei maschi.
Voi cosa ne pensate ?
A me fa sorridere il fatto che ogni cosa al mondo deve essere per forza .... misurata; perfino l'intelligenza !
Ecco il testo dell'articolo :
Men are more intelligent than women, claims new study
Last updated at 13:38pm on 14th September 2006
Battle of the sexes: Are men more intelligent than women?
It is research that is guaranteed to delight men - and infuriate the women in their lives. A controversial new study has claimed that men really are more intelligent than women.
The study - carried out by a man - concluded that men's IQs are almost four points higher than women's.
British-born researcher John Philippe Rushton, who previously created a furore by suggesting intelligence is influenced by race, says the finding could explain why so few women make it to the top in the workplace.
He claims the 'glass ceiling' phenomenon is probably due to inferior intelligence, rather than discrimination or lack of opportunity.
The University of Western Ontario psychologist reached his conclusion after scrutinising the results of university aptitude tests taken by 100,000 students aged 17 and 18 of both sexes.
A focus on a factors such as the ability to quickly grasp a complex concept, verbal reasoning skills and creativity - some of they key ingredients of intelligence - revealed the male teenagers had IQs that were an average of 3.63 points higher. The average person has an IQ of around 100.
The findings, which held true for all classes and levels of parental education, overturn a 100 year consensus that men and women average the same in general mental ability. They also conflict with evidence that girls do better in school exams than boys.
But Prof Rushton, who was born in Bournemouth and obtained his doctorate in social psychology from the London School of Economics, argues that the faster maturing of girls leads to them outshining boys in the classroom.
And since almost all previous data showing an absence of difference between the sexes was gathered on schoolchildren, the gender difference could easily have been missed.
'It looks like up until late adolescence, the females have the advantage over males because they mature faster, which masks the underlying difference, he said.
Although experts have accepted that men and women differ mentally, with males averaging higher on tests of 'spatial ability' and females higher on verbal tests, it was assumed the differences averaged out, leaving no difference in overall intelligence.
Prof Rushton believes the differences are directly linked to brain size, with other studies showing men having slightly bigger brains than women.
'We know that men have larger brains, even when you take into account larger body size,' said the researcher. 'That means there are more neurons. The question is what these neurons are doing in a man - and they probably have an advantage in processing information.'
It is thought the difference may date back to the Stone Age, with women seeking out men who are more intelligent than them in a bid to pass on the best genes to their children.
'Some people have suggested it evolved because women prefer men who are more intelligent than they are for husbands,' said the professor.
'Just as they prefer men who are taller than them, they also prefer a male who is a little ahead of them in IQ.'
Critics claim Prof Rushton's results could have been skewed by the inclusion of more test results from females than form males.
Prof Rushton, who four years ago triggered a scientific row by claiming intelligence and behaviour are influenced by race, with blacks being more likely to be involved in crime and Asians having a greater chance of high IQs, however, stands by his results.
'These are unpopular conclusions,' he said. 'People should not be made to feel afraid to study controversial issues.
'We have the right to find the truth. One should really look at the facts.'
His work appears to confirm British research which showed men have bigger brains and higher IQs than women, which may explain why chess grandmasters and geniuses are more likely to be male.
The analyses of more than 20,000 verbal reasoning tests taken by university students from around the world revealed that women's IQs are up to five points lower than men's .
Women needn't feel despondent, however, as the scientists believe women can achieve just as much as men - as long as they work harder.
Riassumendolo in modo molto veloce viene detto che, secondo una ricerca fatta da una Università Americana (Western Ontario), su 100.000 ragazzi fra i 17 e 18 anni di entrambi i sessi, il quoziente di intelligenza è leggermente superiore per i maschi rispetto alle donne.
Questo sembra dovuto al "diverso peso" del cervello nel cranio dei maschi.
Voi cosa ne pensate ?
A me fa sorridere il fatto che ogni cosa al mondo deve essere per forza .... misurata; perfino l'intelligenza !
Ecco il testo dell'articolo :
Men are more intelligent than women, claims new study
Last updated at 13:38pm on 14th September 2006
Battle of the sexes: Are men more intelligent than women?
It is research that is guaranteed to delight men - and infuriate the women in their lives. A controversial new study has claimed that men really are more intelligent than women.
The study - carried out by a man - concluded that men's IQs are almost four points higher than women's.
British-born researcher John Philippe Rushton, who previously created a furore by suggesting intelligence is influenced by race, says the finding could explain why so few women make it to the top in the workplace.
He claims the 'glass ceiling' phenomenon is probably due to inferior intelligence, rather than discrimination or lack of opportunity.
The University of Western Ontario psychologist reached his conclusion after scrutinising the results of university aptitude tests taken by 100,000 students aged 17 and 18 of both sexes.
A focus on a factors such as the ability to quickly grasp a complex concept, verbal reasoning skills and creativity - some of they key ingredients of intelligence - revealed the male teenagers had IQs that were an average of 3.63 points higher. The average person has an IQ of around 100.
The findings, which held true for all classes and levels of parental education, overturn a 100 year consensus that men and women average the same in general mental ability. They also conflict with evidence that girls do better in school exams than boys.
But Prof Rushton, who was born in Bournemouth and obtained his doctorate in social psychology from the London School of Economics, argues that the faster maturing of girls leads to them outshining boys in the classroom.
And since almost all previous data showing an absence of difference between the sexes was gathered on schoolchildren, the gender difference could easily have been missed.
'It looks like up until late adolescence, the females have the advantage over males because they mature faster, which masks the underlying difference, he said.
Although experts have accepted that men and women differ mentally, with males averaging higher on tests of 'spatial ability' and females higher on verbal tests, it was assumed the differences averaged out, leaving no difference in overall intelligence.
Prof Rushton believes the differences are directly linked to brain size, with other studies showing men having slightly bigger brains than women.
'We know that men have larger brains, even when you take into account larger body size,' said the researcher. 'That means there are more neurons. The question is what these neurons are doing in a man - and they probably have an advantage in processing information.'
It is thought the difference may date back to the Stone Age, with women seeking out men who are more intelligent than them in a bid to pass on the best genes to their children.
'Some people have suggested it evolved because women prefer men who are more intelligent than they are for husbands,' said the professor.
'Just as they prefer men who are taller than them, they also prefer a male who is a little ahead of them in IQ.'
Critics claim Prof Rushton's results could have been skewed by the inclusion of more test results from females than form males.
Prof Rushton, who four years ago triggered a scientific row by claiming intelligence and behaviour are influenced by race, with blacks being more likely to be involved in crime and Asians having a greater chance of high IQs, however, stands by his results.
'These are unpopular conclusions,' he said. 'People should not be made to feel afraid to study controversial issues.
'We have the right to find the truth. One should really look at the facts.'
His work appears to confirm British research which showed men have bigger brains and higher IQs than women, which may explain why chess grandmasters and geniuses are more likely to be male.
The analyses of more than 20,000 verbal reasoning tests taken by university students from around the world revealed that women's IQs are up to five points lower than men's .
Women needn't feel despondent, however, as the scientists believe women can achieve just as much as men - as long as they work harder.
For our friends that don't read Italian I want to tell them that the last article is about GRID COMPUTING and I suggest them to go to visit this link :
Have a look !
I need your comments, please.
I attach another image cause I like it.

Both images are from Pat Turner Studio ( or
Have a look !
I need your comments, please.
I attach another image cause I like it.

Both images are from Pat Turner Studio ( or
Il futuro è "sempre" alle porte
Eccomi ...
Sono tornato !!
Dopo molto tempo direte voi.
Voglio portarvi a conoscenza di una cosa che in questi giorni mi ha colpito, ovvero del Grid Computing . Qualcuno già conoscerà di cosa sto parlando, altri invece lo potranno trovare in questo link :
Ragazzi, il futuro corre a mille all'ora.
Anche l'immagine sotto anni fa poteva sembrare una cosa "futuristica" e invece .... la si può trovare nelle più grandi città del mondo, vedi Tokio, Sydney ecc..
Sono tornato !!
Dopo molto tempo direte voi.
Voglio portarvi a conoscenza di una cosa che in questi giorni mi ha colpito, ovvero del Grid Computing . Qualcuno già conoscerà di cosa sto parlando, altri invece lo potranno trovare in questo link :
Ragazzi, il futuro corre a mille all'ora.
Anche l'immagine sotto anni fa poteva sembrare una cosa "futuristica" e invece .... la si può trovare nelle più grandi città del mondo, vedi Tokio, Sydney ecc..

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
spot of New Zealand
if you want to have a look to the New Zealand spot just go there:
enjoy it!!!!!
See you later.
xxx Rosi
enjoy it!!!!!
See you later.
xxx Rosi
Here is a weird thing I've read just few minutes ago....
Can you believe that?? A meteorite over New Zealand!!! That's just amazing!! Luckily we are in Italy now...
Meteorite most likely cause of boom, observatory says
UPDATED 4.30pm Tuesday September 12, 2006
A meteorite is believed to have burned up over Canterbury today before slamming into the ground.
A loud boom heard throughout the region was most likely to be the meteorite, up to the size of a medicine ball, Stardome Observatory in Auckland said.
The loud boom was heard over Canterbury, with sightings as far apart as Hanmer Springs in North Canterbury, and Hinds in Mid-Canterbury.
Initial reports had come through the police communications system, with follow-ups from eyewitness accounts.
>> Readers report: Sonic boom in Christchurch
A Christchurch Fire Communications spokesman said the first calls from the public started at 2.53pm today, with people reporting windows rattling and the air "shaking".
Observatory spokesman Andrew Buckingham said: "We're still finding out what's going on".
"It sounds like a large meteor coming down... soccer ball size upwards," Mr Buckingham said.
It was more likely to be one large rock entering the earth's atmosphere as a fireball, rather than a meteor shower.
The boom was either the meteor breaking the sound barrier or exploding as it burned up.
Can you believe that?? A meteorite over New Zealand!!! That's just amazing!! Luckily we are in Italy now...
Meteorite most likely cause of boom, observatory says
UPDATED 4.30pm Tuesday September 12, 2006
A meteorite is believed to have burned up over Canterbury today before slamming into the ground.
A loud boom heard throughout the region was most likely to be the meteorite, up to the size of a medicine ball, Stardome Observatory in Auckland said.
The loud boom was heard over Canterbury, with sightings as far apart as Hanmer Springs in North Canterbury, and Hinds in Mid-Canterbury.
Initial reports had come through the police communications system, with follow-ups from eyewitness accounts.
>> Readers report: Sonic boom in Christchurch
A Christchurch Fire Communications spokesman said the first calls from the public started at 2.53pm today, with people reporting windows rattling and the air "shaking".
Observatory spokesman Andrew Buckingham said: "We're still finding out what's going on".
"It sounds like a large meteor coming down... soccer ball size upwards," Mr Buckingham said.
It was more likely to be one large rock entering the earth's atmosphere as a fireball, rather than a meteor shower.
The boom was either the meteor breaking the sound barrier or exploding as it burned up.

Tuesday September 12, 2006
Manhattan's 'Tribute in Lights' is a temporary art installation of 88 searchlights placed next to the site of the World Trade Center to create two vertical columns of light. Each light is powered by a 7,000-watt bulb.
The beams of light are illuminated every year on September 11 to commemorate the victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks.
"The New Zealand Herald"
What do you think about that?
I'm waiting for your comments!!!!
Monday, September 11, 2006
Who am I?
Hi everybody!
It's Rosi here. I'd like just to introduce myself.
I will write in English here in our blog so I can improve it and to be read from people all over the world as well!! Of course it won't be a fluent English but I bet you will understand everything!!
I live here in Italy with my husband, trying to restart our lives in this "funny" Country. That's not easy after having been in New Zealand for a year...I think it's more difficult for me than for my groom!! We are women, you know....more complicated and romantic!!
Anyway, my aim is to lead you on the kiwi land, to know her inhabitants, the culture, food, social life, legends and so on. My husband is showing you more about Italy and what's happening here and so I'd like to show you a land from the other side of the world. I hope you will ask me many questions about it and I promise to you I'll answer to them.
I'll give you the main news, links, radios, web site about New Zealand and everything you are to asking me!
If you want to learn or improve your English I'll suggest to you a couple of really good web sites.
That's all from me for now.
I hope you'll write to me soon.
It's Rosi here. I'd like just to introduce myself.
I will write in English here in our blog so I can improve it and to be read from people all over the world as well!! Of course it won't be a fluent English but I bet you will understand everything!!
I live here in Italy with my husband, trying to restart our lives in this "funny" Country. That's not easy after having been in New Zealand for a year...I think it's more difficult for me than for my groom!! We are women, you know....more complicated and romantic!!
Anyway, my aim is to lead you on the kiwi land, to know her inhabitants, the culture, food, social life, legends and so on. My husband is showing you more about Italy and what's happening here and so I'd like to show you a land from the other side of the world. I hope you will ask me many questions about it and I promise to you I'll answer to them.
I'll give you the main news, links, radios, web site about New Zealand and everything you are to asking me!
If you want to learn or improve your English I'll suggest to you a couple of really good web sites.
That's all from me for now.
I hope you'll write to me soon.
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